
Symptoms, Treatment & the Benefits of Therapy

Understanding Depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It can have a profound impact on a person’s thoughts, emotions and overall well-being. At Carley Counseling Services, Megan Carley, MSW, LCSW-S specializes in providing comprehensive support for individuals struggling with depression. Our goal is to help individuals understand their symptoms, explore effective treatment options and discover the benefits of therapy in their healing journey.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Depression

Persistent Sadness

Feeling persistently sad, empty or hopeless for an extended period.

Loss of Interest

Losing interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, such as hobbies, socializing or personal relationships.

Sleep Disturbances

Experiencing changes in sleep patterns, including insomnia (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness).

Fatigue & Lack of Energy

Feeling constantly tired, lacking energy or experiencing a decrease in physical and mental stamina.

Changes in Appetite or Weight

Experiencing significant weight loss or gain, or changes in appetite and eating habits.

Difficulty Concentrating

Struggling with concentration, memory and making decisions.

Feelings of Guilt or Worthlessness

Persistent feelings of guilt, self-blame, worthlessness or excessive self-criticism.

Death & Suicidal Ideation

Having recurring thoughts of death, contemplating suicide or engaging in self-harming behaviors.

Different Therapeutic Approaches for Depression

Therapy is an essential component of treating depression. At Carley Counseling Services, we offer a range of evidence-based therapeutic approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps individuals identify negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to depression. It focuses on replacing negative thoughts with more positive and adaptive ones, and developing effective coping strategies.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT focuses on accepting negative emotions and thoughts while committing to values-based actions. It helps individuals create a meaningful life despite the presence of depression.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

IPT focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and resolving conflicts that may contribute to depression. It helps individuals build a stronger support system and enhance their communication and problem-solving skills.


Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy explores underlying unconscious conflicts and unresolved issues that may contribute to depression. It aims to increase self-awareness, improve self-esteem and facilitate personal growth and insight.


Mindfulness-Based Therapies

Mindfulness-based therapies, such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), teach individuals to be present and non-judgmental, helping them manage depressive symptoms and reduce relapse rates.

Supportive Therapy

Supportive therapy provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals to express their feelings and experiences. It offers emotional support, validation and guidance during challenging times.

Why Therapy Can Help

Therapy is an effective and valuable tool in the treatment of depression for several reasons:
Professional Guidance
Therapists are trained professionals who specialize in mental health and can provide guidance and support tailored to individual needs.
Emotional Support
Therapy offers a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals can express their emotions, fears and concerns without fear of being criticized or misunderstood.
Skill Development
Therapists equip individuals with coping mechanisms, problem-solving skills and strategies to manage depressive symptoms effectively.
Identifying Underlying Issues
Therapy helps individuals explore underlying causes of depression, such as past traumas, unresolved conflicts or negative thought patterns, leading to a deeper understanding and potential resolution of these issues.
Personal Growth
Through therapy, individuals can gain self-awareness, develop a stronger sense of self and foster personal growth, leading to improved overall well-being.
Building Support Networks
Therapy provides an opportunity to build a supportive therapeutic relationship and, in some cases, connect individuals with support groups or community resources.
Depression can be debilitating, but therapy offers hope, support and effective strategies for managing and overcoming depressive symptoms. At Carley Counseling Services, we are dedicated to helping individuals on their journey to recovery. Through evidence-based therapeutic approaches and personalized support, we aim to empower individuals to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives beyond depression. Remember, reaching out for help is a courageous step towards healing, and you don’t have to face depression alone.